Big Tex
JoinedPosts by Big Tex
Hello first post!
by Syndromology inthis is my first post at this website i discovered a week ago and just love.
it so hilarious sometimes.
i used to post on pro-witness sites long ago but got rejected after a apostate attack!!
Watchtower: You Are Getting What You Deserve
by Farkel inwatchtower pukes: .
i find it humerous that you, who have successfully put out "information" to folks for 123 years that after those 123 years, other folks are putting out "information" about you.
in your own words.
Big Tex
"Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you resemble whitewashed graves, which outwardly indeed appear beautiful but inside are full of dead men's bones and of every sort of uncleanness. In that way you also, outwardly indeed, appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness." -- Matt. 23:27, 28.
Comments on Connie Chung / CNN
by Amazing inoutstanding !!!
... actually, connie was too nice to the jw leaders in her questions ... and i appreciate the two young ex-jw girls who connie interviewed ... they were straight forward, clear, and credible ... and they did a good job making the case ... and kudos to bill bowen for calling the watchtower's statement a bold-faced lie, because that is what it is ... the watchtower society clearly lied as to what they say their policy is, and what has been practiced in real life.
great job !!!
Big Tex
if someone commits a crime though, they must suffer the consequences. that is what law courts are for. the congregation needs to and will probably work extremely close with law agencies in the future.
See that's the problem I have with the Witnesses. I grew up in an abusive home and when I foolishly got my congregation involved, I received only anger and contempt. I was shunned even though I was still a Witness in good standing. My father was, and still is, a ministerial servant. The circuit overseer sat in my living room and told me if I said one more word to anyone about my father, he would see to it that I was Df'd. When my father remarried, I was forbidden to tell his future wife, who had two children, the truth about my father.
It's one thing to write a nice sounding article and tell the media how concerned the organisation is about children, but unless it's backed up by action the words are meaningless. If the Witnesses are truly concerned about the victims,and as you say want to "work extremely close with law agnecies in the future" then why is there no directive sent down to do this from Brooklyn? In fact, it's the opposite. I had the opportunity to read the letter sent to all elders 10 years ago, ordering them that when an accusation of abuse was made the elder was to call the Legal Department immediately. Do not report to the police, the letter said. This is not only wrong, but it is evil.
by minimus inon the net you see many talk about 1975 and how it affected so many.
obviously, some left the organization when nothing happened in 1975. were you personally affected by 1975?
has the fixing of dates been a major reason for your disappointment with the witnesses?
Big Tex
I agree. I never thought 1975 was it, for the simple reason that no one is supposed to know when. I remember arguing with the presiding overseer out in service about it. He kept quoting from the old Revelation book and using that old thing about 6,000 years being up in 1975.
As for 1914, I think it's a significant year (certainly World War I is one of the most under appreciation events in the 20th century), but I don't think Christ returned then. I think that in the Bible when God makes an appearance, it is obvious. Same with 1935, I never really bought that God waited until 1935 to separate the heavenly hope and the earthly hope.
Jehovah's Undeserved Kindness
by Amazing inthe watchtower society, in its prime teaching publication the watchtower magazine, loves to discuss jehovah's "undeserved kindness.
" comparing their bible, the new world translation , with the king james version, we see an interesting difference at romans 11:6:
nwt: "now if it is by undeserved kindness, it is no longer due to works; otherwise, the undeserved kindness no longer proves to be undeserved kindness.
Big Tex
Great post Amazing! You make a very valid point. In fact, it was so valid a JW troll dropped in to harass you.
Comments on Connie Chung / CNN
by Amazing inoutstanding !!!
... actually, connie was too nice to the jw leaders in her questions ... and i appreciate the two young ex-jw girls who connie interviewed ... they were straight forward, clear, and credible ... and they did a good job making the case ... and kudos to bill bowen for calling the watchtower's statement a bold-faced lie, because that is what it is ... the watchtower society clearly lied as to what they say their policy is, and what has been practiced in real life.
great job !!!
Big Tex
I appreciate your answer. I agree that WTS needs to learn from its mistakes. However, I do not see that happening. DF'ing everyone who appeared on Dateline is not the way to learn from mistakes. Nor is their current attitude toward those who are standing up and protesting these past mistakes. Instead it shows a cold and heartless attitude of control fanatics who are determined to keep "guileless ones" in line.
"What you do speaks so loudly, I can't hear what you say." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Comments on Connie Chung / CNN
by Amazing inoutstanding !!!
... actually, connie was too nice to the jw leaders in her questions ... and i appreciate the two young ex-jw girls who connie interviewed ... they were straight forward, clear, and credible ... and they did a good job making the case ... and kudos to bill bowen for calling the watchtower's statement a bold-faced lie, because that is what it is ... the watchtower society clearly lied as to what they say their policy is, and what has been practiced in real life.
great job !!!
Big Tex
I will not insult you Comforter. However, I would like to ask you a question: why is there more emphasis placed on helping the offender rather than helping the victim? I'm talking reality, not what is written in the Watchtower. Shouldn't there be as much, if not MORE care and concern directed at helping the victim of rape/incest/abuse/pedophilia?
Edited by - Big Tex on 14 August 2002 23:2:49
Let's see....2 + 2, 4?
by Dia injws obstain from talking about sex - they seem to be almost afraid of it.
(according to bergman) the sex crime that jws have the most frequent trouble with (at least prior to recent revelations) is exhibitionism.
jw elders snoop into people's sex lives in thoroughly intrusive and inappropriate ways that most exjws would consider to be perverse and twisted .
Big Tex
A question - is there any other subject you can recall which JWs talk of in such hushed and knowing terms?
The Love That Dares Not Speak Its Name. sshhhhhhhhhhhh
Big Tex
Thanks! It would probably help if I read through the entire thread first before firing off.
Big Tex
I missed it! Dummy me, I set my VCR for 8 p.m. Central. Is it going to be repeated this evening?